Monday, January 29, 2007

Newton's Third Law

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Newton's law popped into my head when I was thinking of people's reactions to our news that we want to have a baby. The law would have to be changed to read, "For every action, there is an equal OR opposite reaction." In general, people have been incredibly supportive. Our families and coworkers have had very positive comments.

E and I are both a little introverted, so our circle of friends isn't extremely wide. We each have a small circle of friends we've known for years, and we have friends we've developed as a couple over the last year and a half. Like our families, most of them have been supportive, offering babysitting and dogwalking services. Last week I told one of my closest friends, whom I've known for over 10 years, of our plans. She's a bit of an eccentric and has no children by choice, so I should not have been surprised by her response. She said she has no idea why two intelligent, competent women who work with children all day long would want to bring a crying infant who grows into a crying teenager into their home. At first, I was taken aback. I thought that even though she didn't want children, she might understand that we did. In hindsight, I know it is part of her humor and her honesty, which I have always liked.

So, that led me to Newton's Law (abridged). Equal reactions: our excitement sent out and returned. Opposite reactions: our excitement sent out and not returned. Which will we get as we have our child and watch it grow? Will people embrace us? Tolerate us? Have disdain for us? We live in a very accepting community in a more accepting day. Whatever outsiders give us, we will raise our child in a home and family (immediate, extended, family of friends) that gives an equal reaction to what we put out.

1 comment:

notacrayon said...

I really enjoyed this post. I have to get my partner to read it. She told me I was a dork for relating TTC to the ideal gas law on my blog.