Friday, May 4, 2007

Interview Questions from It's Taking a Village

1. E. what are you most looking forward to about pregnancy/early months?
I am excited about serious things like creating a life, feeling my body change to adapt to a visitor, growing closer to M, having a great responsibility, and taking on a great challenge. I am also excited about little things like telling people, spending some of money we have been saving on fun stuff, and watching M laugh with me. Additionally, I am really excited about slowing down at work and being able to say, "yeah, I am pregnant I really can't supervise graduation in 90 degree heat for 3 hours..." heheeh

2. M. what are you most looking forward to about the pregnancy/early months?
I am excited about the wonder of the pregnancy...just watching it happen. I agree with E that it will be fun to tell people and prepare our house and lives. In the early months, I am looking forward to time away from work for us to bond and become a real family.

3. How did you two decide which was having the first/all/none of the babies?
I am in my early 30's. M is not. :) But, she still has a rockin body...

4. Where do you see yourselves in 25 years from now?
Retired. Full pension. Stacked IRA. A child in young adulthood. Still doing things we love whatever they are...reading, talking, working in the yard, some traveling, maybe living part of the time in the South and some here, and still taking care of each other. I hope we are a fun older couple.

5. M. since I too am going (someday I swear) be a non-bio mom, I am wondering what other soon to be non-bios fear the most. Tell me what you think the biggest challenge will be for you being a non-bio mom?
I think the biggest challenge will be conquering the fear of someone being able to take the child away from me if something happened to E or us as a couple. We have put all kinds of legal protections in place, but I still think that fear could lurk in me. I hope the baby is like me in some eye color or hair color or something. Regardless of that, however, I know he/she will be like me because of environment. The child will pick up my mannerisms and will learn the stuff that I know how to do.


Anonymous said...

Excellent Answers!!

Evillage said...

I definitely feel you on the last one!