Monday, June 4, 2007

something wicked this way comes

E has taken her last dose of Clomid. It is an interesting drug. When I least expect it, E is ripping her clothes off due to hot flashes. She woke up this morning and said that she felt like she had ovulation pain all night long and she started spotting, so we called the doctor. He asked us to come in for an ultrasound to see if her ovary had been overstimulated and grew too large. The ultrasound showed that everything was fine. It was actually kind of fun (for me since I was not being tested...hehe). They measured E's ovaries and all the follicles. They told us how big the follicles should be before insemination and how many there should be. Surprisingly, her lazy left ovary had two of the best least at this point.

The nurse recommended that E take some ibuprofen for the pain for the next day or so. In her words, "Clomid is a wicked drug." We're very happy, though, that everything is working and this month may be our best shot yet.



Kim aka Mommy said...

Thats good news. Things are working! Lots of luck to both of us!

Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed!