Thursday, July 26, 2007


Thanks Sara and Erin for tagging us. We think this will be a good distraction for us, too, while we are in the TWW. Here are the rules: Let others know who tagged you.Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. Players should tag 8 other people and tell them they’ve been tagged.

1. E and I were friends for years before we became more. Actually, we didn't like talking face to face. We emailed all the time and went to dinner once a week.

2. E was one of my many bosses. I don't think I can say any more. heheh

3. One of the wonderful things about our relationship is that we are both more introverted than extroverted. While we have many friends, there is nothing we like better than hanging out with just each other. We love being in our house with our dog, riding bikes together, and reading every night before falling asleep.

4. In the summer we eat sugar free popsicles like they are crack.

5. We each have two bicycles......and they have names.

6. M didn't talk to me for the entire first year she knew me (I was a new teacher).

7. M eats the exact same breakfast every day for years - whole wheat muffin with peanut butter.

8. We have huge fights over the thermostat.

We are tagging Jennifer, Kim and M, and Wendy and Karen.


Anonymous said...

we have fights over the therm too - especially in the car!!!

Kim aka Mommy said...

Thanks for the tag! I was beginning to wonder if were gonna get it. :o)