Sunday, August 19, 2007

like clockwork

With the clomid, E is like clockwork. Today is CD15 and we have a positive on the OPK stick. Since E had the HSG and found out everything is clear, we have spent a lot of time thinking about timing. We think we may have inseminated too early the last couple times. So, we will wait until morning to go in and then we're right back in the two week wait. Woohoo!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, exciting - another cycle sister! (though I am a couple of days ahead of you).

Just out of interest, what time of day do you do your OKPs and how long afterwards have you been inseminating, and what (other than not getting pregnant) makes you thing that you've been doing it too early? Sorry - that's a lot of questions, isn't it!!

Anonymous said...

good luck!

Kim aka Mommy said...

LOTS and LOTS of luck to you both! So hoping this is the month for yall!

Anonymous said...

Eeek! Good luck!!

Melissa said...

Good Luck!

Holly said...