Monday, June 9, 2008

26 days old

Here is a brief recap of the last few weeks.

Week 1: Excitement. Joy. Severe case of the babyblues. Hormonal crash. Three days of my crying and feeling overwhelmed. M was the rock star with holding everything together. Seriously, I cried non stop.

Week 2: Breastfeeding. Lactation consultant. Constant feeding. Trapped in the house with no shirt on for days.

Week 3: Discovered that I wasn't making hindmilk, which is why EG was feeding all the time and not getting satisfied. Started using formula. EG became a whole new baby. She ate better, slept better, and is sooo much happier -- and moms are, too. She still nurses a little each day and gets a morning dose of pumped breastmilk.

Week 4: We are just starting week 4. Overall EG is perfect. She fusses for a while each evening when the sun starts to set, but apparently that is normal. It isn't colic because she can be comforted -- she is just fussy. Any ideas?

At this moment, M is holding EG and rubbing EG's back as EG drifts off to sleep. It is my favorite picture in the entire world. My girls.



Anonymous said...

Awh. Sounds like a pretty nice picture :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and your wonderful family. Everything sounds overwhelming and thrilling. Much love to you all. ox

Heather said...

what a nice picture it must be.. :)

Laurie said...

I just love reading updates about EG... I'm so happy for you both that you have such a perfect little princess :)

Holly said...

Sounds like things are coming together. We had the same issue with Andrew. Poor Lois spent almost 12 hours one day trying to get him satisfied. She wasn't producing enough and when we gave him a formula bottle. VIOLA!