Monday, May 5, 2008

Day 259

E has played hospitable host to BabyGirl for 259 days. She has taken excellent care of herself, put up with the inner gymnastics and read voraciously about how to be an even better mom. We are both more than ready for BabyGirl to make her appearance, but we also both believe that she is stubborn and will not come out until we send her an engraved invitation.

Spring has sprung and time is going slowly since we can't take long walks or bike rides as we usually would. E passes her free time watching her belly and resting. I cannot sit still and cleaned the basement this weekend for a lack of anything better to do.

People at work keep asking why we don't take the last week off. What would we do? Stare at E's belly? We are committed to staying at work until the last day. We both have all of our work done and spend most of the day answering questions about why we're still at work.

The blog comments have been fun to read, and we are surprised at how many of you are keeping track of us here at the end. People at work are still giving us cute little outfits and gift certificates. We had no idea how many people in real life and blogland would be excited for us. We are very thankful.

So, we will keep you updated and hope there aren't too many more updates...



R said...

YES!! We all await impatiently for the impending arrival of the little one :) Can't wait to see all the fabulous pics. Hoping for a great delivery for ya!! :) Positive energy sent!!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Yes, SO SO excited for you!!!! Hoping babygirl makes her appearance soon. Can't wait! Good luck ladies; we'll all be thinking of you and hoping things go so well :) xo

Holly said...

I keep thinking that the next time I log on, I'll see the news! We are very excited for you and are so happy that we've been able to follow the whole journey! Best of luck!!