Saturday, January 5, 2008

22 Weeks

I still feel GREAT! I eating pretty well and sleeping soundly. I am almost full time in maternity clothes. I have one pair of regular jeans I can still fix up with a rubber band and bellaband. The maternity pants are still a little big on me, but they are sooo comfortable. I also broke down and started wearing maternity shirts to school. The children are starting to notice and are asking questions, which is very endearing.

Well, I can tell I am packing on the poundage this month. I am supposed to gain half of the total weight gain from weeks 18-28 and I think I am doing that. However, I know that some of that weight is going right to the baby because babygirl is getting bigger and stronger everyday.

Babygirl kicks, moves, and rolls all day long. It is an amazing feeling. M can feel her now too -- which is tons of fun. At school yesterday Babygirl was awake/moving all day long. I think she enjoys the noise and activity of a school. I would be mid-conversation and get distracted because I was focusing on feeling that little girl kick the crap out of me....;)

This weekend we are having brunch with friends, taking down the xmas decorations, and on Sunday we are touring the maternity ward at the hospital...woohoo!



Holly said...

22 weeks! Wow - that went by fast. Probably not for you!! LOL!

I love that she's moving so much! It's so amazing, isn't it?!?!

Can't wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

oh what a wonderful feeling! i'm so happy you are doing so well. what a beautiful distraction babygirl provides! being in the school must be exciting for both of you. hope you keep feeling great and enjoying the maternity digs!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Can't believe you're 22 wks already. Happy to hear you're feeling so wonderful, and enjoying the movements of the wee one!