My little sister gave us burp cloths for BabyGirl for Christmas. She took cloth diapers and sewed two ribbons down them to dress them up to use as burp cloths. I thought it was such a great idea that I'm making six each for two friends who are due a month or so before us.
Then, I stacked them up and tied them with some of the left over ribbon.
This great idea has a second part to it. My sister told me to use washable glue stick to hold the ribbon in place while sewing. I had no idea I could use glue sticks! It worked like a charm. The shinier ribbon is harder to sew and keep in place.
Great idea #2
I was showing off my laundry room photos to a friend E works with. She countered with pictures of the bed her husband made. Very talented. Very nice. His "shop" is whatever space he can steal in their laundry room. She said that whenever he finished a project he gets to buy a new tool. Great idea! I told E I thought I should get the same deal. I finished the laundry room last weekend, I was due for my new tool. Since one of my next projects will be painting an old dresser to use as a dresser/changing table in the nursery, I chose a new random orbit sander to get the dresser ready for paint.

Great idea #3
Okay, this one might not have been a great idea, but it was fun. E and I went to the Big Box R Us store last weekend to register for baby goodies. When you register, they give you a little "welcome" box with samples in it. One of the samples was a newborn diaper. Many websites recommend getting your dog ready for the baby by introducing the dog to baby blankets, smells, or even carrying around a baby doll to get the dog used to all aspects of the baby. Well, I used one of the dog's favorite toys as a baby and put it in the diaper. There was some nervousness at first. Then she settled down.
However, she would not play with that toy while the diaper was on it. It laid around for days before I finally took the diaper off and she played with it again.
Those are my great ideas. Other than that, we are continuing to watch E's belly and our BabyGirl grow. I can easily feel and sometimes see the kicks and punches as BabyGirl does her daily calisthenics. E is doing a great job of eating good food, getting lots of long walks and plenty of rest. She is providing an excellent home. We have a list of things to do before the baby gets here, and we work on them and check them off weekly. We are having a great time.