EG is full of new and exciting skills.
She can cruise around the furniture and walls with confidence. She takes a few tumbles, but recovers quickly. She hasn't moved to one handed yet.
She now crawls the traditional way as opposed to the full-time commando crawl. Commando crawl is now reserved for the wood floors when her knees get sore.
She loves to put things in other things (little people into the school bus....little people out of the school bus). She will give you things if you hold out your hand and say, "Can Mama have that?"
She will give kisses if requested. She will also randomly come up to both of us and give us a kiss. Her kiss consists of a full open mouth. M is working on teaching her to hug as well.
She loves to "share" her toys by placing a toy in another person's mouth.
She is still a reluctant eater of solid food. She will eat her avocado, yogurt, and toast daily but that is about it. She is really into finger foods like banana, puffs, and teething cookies. It is like she has spoon avoidance. This is usually at its worst during teething...which we are doing again...cutting two more top teeth.
She "says" the following things: kisses, cee-cee (Summitt, the dog), and trshee (Trixie from the book
Knuffle Bunny). Now, we are sure that only we can understand her and those might not be words at all....but we think they are cute.
She also adores this Pooh bear that crawls and talks that my mother gave her at xmas. She hugs it and talks to it.
She has attached herself to a blankie that was made by M's mother. She sleeps with it and plays with it in her nursery. When we bring it out of the crib, she can't wait to hold it and bury her head into it. She hasn't tried to bring it out of her room yet and we are hoping that she doesn't. Currently, (we say that with the full knowledge this might change) she doesn't have anything she "has" to have like a passie or blankie.
Overall, her sleep is good. She has been teething for a few days which messes up everything, but she is headed back to normal today with good naps and a happier disposition.